Thursday, September 15, 2011


Holler to spending the day in Yellowstone....

We left our campsite after eating some instant oatmeal, headed North to Yellowstone. Leann had never been, so this was her first time! The drive was beautiful, we entered the park around 11. We first stopped at the Continental Divide sign and met a really nice couple, here they are below:

They were great.

They are from Pennsylvania, headed to California to meet up with the gentleman's old friend from Vietnam. He hasn't seen him since the war... They were kind enough to take our photo as well! 

We ran back to our car and I wanted to do something epic in front of the Continental Divide sign... 

And then David decided he wanted to do it too...

He had a harder time...

Go ahead and laugh...

{David and his fannie}

{Old Faithful behind us}

We traveled around the park all day, it was wonderful. We saw Old Faithful, and then the Lord blessed us so much. Old Faithful was done and we started walking to this incredible lodge and this other HUGE geyser was erupting. It's called "The Bee Hive" and it goes off every 8-15 hours, so it's not as regular or as often as Old Faithful, it was incredible to see. 
{Lee Lee & Old Faithful}

We headed to The Old Faithful Inn, and it's amazing. Honestly, we think it's better than Timberline... in some respects. The man who designed it wanted a childhood fantasy to come to life, thus the "Crow's Nest" way up high (as you'll see in the picture). From the time it was built (1904) an orchestra played at the top of the Crow's Nest, while guests danced on the main floor and throughout the balconies below. It was a beautiful thing to picture. An earthquake hit in 1959, and the Crow's Nest is now no longer safe for anyone to climb up. We were pretty bummed we couldn't go up there. But look at how beautiful it is!

{Us in front of Old Faithful Inn}


We asked the Lord if we could see wild animals... and we saw a LOT of bison and one elk. We first saw this bison:

Then we saw one even closer:

Then we went through Hayden Valley and saw herds and herds of bison. Apparently there have been herds of bison, elk and deer that hang out in this valley, and wolves have been figuring that out. So herds of wolves supposedly hang out and hunt the other herds. We were really hoping to spot some wolves...but we didn't. Instead, we got to see a bunch of bison! Which was cool. And on our way out, we spotted an Elk! What a joy, thank you Lord.

What's about to happen? We think the van was about to be mauled... 
a Ranger is on site...but there's a bison by his car too... uh oh. 
And do forgive our ridiculous noises and gawks at the bison.

The game "Hey Cow!" in Yellowstone...

Then we realized we had a long trip back to Jackson and started to head out of the park. We made some stops along the way...

{Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone - literally what it's called}

{Lower Falls}

{You can't tell in this picture, but this scene was so incredible,
we got dizzy looking at it. God is Glorious}

 On our drive home...

It was an incredible day. Hope you enjoyed our photos!


He is just so cute...


  1. you guys look like you're having an amazing time!!! I am so jealous of everything you have gotten to see! ps leann- I'm glad that my shirt is getting to see some pretty cool places....I can't wait to hear all about them when I get it back....:)

  2. I love that close up picture of the two of you in the car, fourth from bottom.
