Monday, September 19, 2011


We came to Spokane, Washington last night. Who knew we were headed there? Sue (who we are staying with) barely knew either. But we went to Spokane. We were going to head to Flathead Lake in Montana to visit Samuel Hartenstein (who is now living at the YWAM base), but we didn't have a place to stay and wanted to continue heading West- Sorry Samuel. Some pictures from our drive... of course...


So we came to visit the LIVINGSTONS! Sue went to college with my Mom at University of Oregon. They have been best friends since first meeting at U of O. Sue is married to Mike and they have two boys, Grant and Jeff. They are a great family; hilarious, so easy to be around, and incredibly hospitable. We have been so blessed to be here spending time with them.

We arrived later in the evening and they were so welcoming. Immediately asked us if we wanted food, what drinks we needed and if we needed help carrying things in. Grant is at Whitworth and Jeff was already in bed. Sue and Mike sat with us and asked about our trip, it was so nice to talk with them. We are having a bit of a tough time not having a home and being on the road... We keep wanting to "go home", but we don't have a home. We are waiting to move into our house at The Washington Family Ranch (The Canyon) on October 5th... so until then. 

We woke up this morning and Sue was ready and willing to make us breakfast, so she did.

{Sue- which means domestic and Spanish}

It was delicious. And then she became Spokane's greatest tour guide. She took us ALL AROUND town and told us about so many wonderful things. We didn't realize how cool of a place Spokane is! We visited Whitworth and saw Grant and his dorm room.

{David, Grant & Leann}

Then we walked around and said "hello" to everyone- because when you're on the "hello walk" you're supposed to apparently. Leann got some information regarding the graduate program at Whitworth. Sue continued to drive us around town, showed us where Jeff goes to high school (such a rad building), a beautiful church, GORGEOUS/adorable neighborhoods, down town- oh my gosh, and we went to this AMAZING home decor store. It's the best store I have ever been in. They sell furniture and decor and just the most wonderful things. I bought this awesome owl "sculpture" thing (I am kinda into Owls right now...) and a soap dish! It was pretty exciting. Thank you, Sue.

{Mama Sue, Leann & Grant}
{We got free ice cream from the cafeteria!}

Then she took us to this beautiful park (gal, I am running out of superlatives...). 
There is a fabulous garden, below: 

The pictures don't show how beautiful it is, but it was just lovely. People literally sit on benches and just look at it. It is peaceful, serene and just plain lovely.

Next to the garden is this fabulous conservatory. It was BREATHTAKING. It is all done and kept-up by volunteers. It was truly amazing, here are some photos of the conservatory:

{Notice David's hair cut? Courtesy of, himself} 

{Cousin IT Cactus}

{Driving around town}

We came back to the house and rested, watched Friends and Hoarders and then helped make dinner. The weather was just beautiful here today, so we sat outside on the patio for dinner. Sue is so domestic and made such a wonderful meal. Yum! Thank you Mike & Sue!
{Dinner with the Livingstons}

{Cleaning up after dinner}

Spending the evening with Sue is a riot. David and Leann ate ice cream while Sue discussed what she's going to do with the rest of her life... It was wonderful conversation, filled with laughter and fun ideas. We have felt so blessed to be here, thank you Lord. Tomorrow we are headed to their family cabin on Lake Hayden (just north of Coeur d'Alene). We are really looking forward to time at a cabin on a lake...we can't wait. Of course Sue is driving with us out there to get us settled and then she'll drive back to Spokane. She is a fantastic woman who has such a heart for people, relationship, and serving others. It's beautiful and we are blessed to know her. 

The last post said we were going to do something EPIC the next day... and it fell through. Katee is a guide for Yellowstone Zip, so we were going to go on a 3.5 hour zip line tour! But it fell through and we were unable to go! We were bummed, but everything worked out okay. Maybe next time! 

Love y'all :)

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