Friday, September 16, 2011

Temporary Tat-Tuesday turns into Permanent Tat-Friday....

After three nights of camping we checked into the Cowboy Village Resort! Our sweet little cabin #142 was waiting for us. This is the coolest place. There are about 88 cabins just blocks from downtown Jackson. None of the cabins are connected, just separate little 1-2 rooms cabins. This neighborhood of cabins is cozy, welcoming and beautiful. The cabins are like lincoln logs and it has been the most fun place we've stayed yet. We checked in the moment our room was ready on Thursday, had lunch and just relaxed. We watched T.V., which was enjoyable as we rarely watch T.V. Then we went swimming and worked out in the fitness center. This place has no vacancy (we were LUCKY to find these two nights available) yet we were the only ones in the pool and fitness center- it was awesome. 

Came back to the cabin to shower and make fajitas! We had a wonderful dinner in true-Reece fashion- at 10 o'clock at night. 

We woke up late, as we were not in our tent outside waking up to the sun... It felt good to sleep in. We spent the morning doing laundry, swimming and reading the Word. The Lord is teaching us a lot about reading the Word together and praying together. We realized today that we have been praying together a lot more on this trip because we are together so much, but also because the Spirit has been moving to teach us how to seek the Lord together. It's been beautiful and we are so appreciative of how the Lord is loving us and leading us. 


{This is Mike}

Around 3:30 in the afternoon we entered 22 Tattoo. And David got a tattoo! He added onto the words that wrap around his forearm: Beloved, abide in ME. The artist designed a ribbon/banner to encompass the words. It is perfect and awesome- just what David wanted. And it truly completes the tattoo that he got almost a year ago! It was fun, mainly because David did the best he's ever done when getting a tattoo- he didn't pass out, didn't lose the color in his face, and only needed a couple breaks! There is a lot of healing, but it looks awesome.   

**Bear in mind, that the photos look red simply because of the healing that needs to take place. There will be grey shadowing that will give the ribbon definition**


{Josh, Heidi, Leann & David}
Some fun provision from the Lord: we stopped in a cute boutique the other day to look for some jeans (David did end up buying me a pair :) ) so we spent some time with Heidi, the salesclerk, and found out she walks with the Lord as well! She then says, "So how long are you guys in town? Would you want to get dinner with me and my husband?" And we were like, "Heck yes!" So we met up with them tonight for dinner. We went to this wonderful restaurant and had gourmet pizza and salads- it was delicious. We spent about 3.5 hours with them and it was wonderful! 

{David was lovin' the rain}
Today has been a fun and relaxing day. Oh, the Lord also blessed us with a quick rain storm! It was so great; the rain poured and poured on our roof. We loved listening to the rain while hanging out in our little cabin... We check out tomorrow morning (we are sad...) but, our time in Jackson is done for now and we are headed to Montana tomorrow! We look forward to visiting Katee, David's cousin from Tennessee, who happens to be in Montana working. Can not WAIT to see that bright, shining face.


Until later y'all, keep your eyes on truth 
and love each other. Talk to you soon!


{Here is a video of David about half-way through the tattoo}


  1. The video was "unavailable" sorry to say.
    Some of my favorite memories are times of reading the Bible and praying with Uncle Ken in a joint Quiet Time.
