Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Football to Futbol

{In Seattle}

We made it back to Spokane and went out to dinner with Mike & Sue.


We had pizza and then headed to Jeff's high school football game!

{David with our backpack of goodies- packed by Sue, of course}
David and I have been wanting to go to a high school sport event, so we were pretty stoked when we found out Jeff had a game on Thursday night. Mike and Sue thought it was a little odd, but hey, high school sports are awesome. 

{Leann & Sue}

We had a great time at the game, Jeff's team won 31-21! Jeff is the quarterback and played great. It was a blast to sit with Sue and be introduced to their friends and family.


The next day we headed to Seattle to hang out with Becca! Her and her team from Western Oregon University were playing in Seattle on Saturday but had free time on Friday, so we headed over to hang out with her. It was a long drive, but of course beautiful. We stopped in Leavenworth as well- such a cool town. We plan on going back at some point to spend more time. 


{Us on our drive...}
We made it to Seattle and saw this license plate- ha. larious.

 Finally made it to Becca! It was great to see her, as it had been a while since we had seen her last. She went to dinner with her team and we headed to find a restaurant. It took us a while to find a restaurant we wanted to go to, and finally decided on Rock Bottom. It was about 8:30 when we headed to dinner, and there weren't too many people in the restaurant. The moment we sit down, a man gets up and walks to our booth and asks if he could see our ID's. Guess who it was..... UNCLE ANDY! From Santa Barbara, California! WHAAAAAT?

{Shocked @ seeing Uncle Andy in Seattle}
It was so fun to see him- crazy and out of control- but awesome. Out of all the restaurants in Seattle... we go to the one he was in! AND sit right next to him. God is awesome and spontaneous, I love it.

{Us and our awesome beers}

We had a great server; became friends with her so we took a picture with her, duh.

{Leann, Rebekah & David}

We stayed the night at a hotel in Seattle (courtesy of my Mom's hotel points! Thank you Chia!) We slept great and woke up ready to take on the city. 

We parked our car and walked ten blocks with a woman named Melanie, she was great. She is an architect who designs restaurants and coffee shops, etc. She was a fun woman to walk with and chat with. We hung out downtown, talked with Children International for about an hour... We seriously contemplated giving, but looked into the organization more and found out from a reliable source that the CEO (of a non-profit organization) makes a little under $500,000 a year. That didn't allow us to feel great about where the money goes. Either way, the Lord has led us in other ways to give to charities. Like giving clean water through Compassion International. 

{Sidenote: you can check the validity, trustworthiness and accountability at: www.charitynavigator.org}


We had a great time seeing Becca and hanging out around town on Saturday. We hung out down town and went to Pike's Market. I bought a new hat, David got a new belt and a new shirt- it was fun. 


{Just putting out the vibe with his fanny}

[Pike's Place Market]


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

{Waiting for the bus}
{Where we parked our car and met Melanie}
{Looking at the tall buildings}

Before we headed to dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory (David's first time!), we walked around a beautiful park. The sky was amazing and we took some fun pictures. Dinner was delicious and a great price. Holler- we will go again. Then we headed to Bec's game!

{Picture of food for Uncle Ken}


Western Oregon University 
Seattle Pacific University


SPU is #1 in the league, so WOU was defeated. But it was great to get to watch Becca play.

After the game, we drove back to Portland. We watched (David listened to) Practical Magic on the way home, and it kept us awake. We made it back home around 1:00am and it felt good to sleep.

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