Friday, September 30, 2011

Meals w/ Friends

MJ didn't make it up Tuesday night to hang out...we were pretty bummed. But work schedules can sometimes pose as a complication. We are hoping to see her for even a moment before we head East.


Tuesday afternoon we had Jackie Roth over for lunch- David went to high school with Jackie, and they became really good friends. She works just a few blocks away from our apar-condo (apartment/condo)! She walked over and we had a great time with her. We made Curry Chicken Salad for lunch- it was amazing.

{Leann & Jackie}

Let us tell you.... next time you make chicken salad- add curry powder. It was a delightful lunch.

Jackie could only stay for a little bit, she had to get back to work, but she told us all about the organization she works for (she loves it) and told us about a concert the group was putting on for Wednesday night. They were hosting an Algerian music group (they played all kinds of music) and we thought it would be really fun to go! So we decided to go! 

We had Kyle Lindros over for dinner Wednesday night, we made chicken and gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes and green beans. It was yummy. After dinner we headed to the concert! And it was amazing. The musicians were so talented. Their music was very hip-hop, but incredibly different than what we do here in America. They rapped in French, Arabic and English- it was incredible. Obviously there wasn't a lot we could understand, but David could make out a few French words. The concert only went on for an hour and it was a delight. Some great people watching as well.

Thank you, Portland.

{Kyle & Leann}
{David & Kyle}
{Leann, Jackie & David after the concert}

{David, Kyle & Leann}

 We were blessed to be able to see some good friends before we head out to the canyon. The Lord has really blessed us with spending time with good people, has given us amazing sunrises in the city, and blessed time together. Hope y'all are doing well. 

We are headed to Corvallis today! Can't wait to see Ben and Nakalan, and have dinner with Uncle Ken and Aunt Pat! 

Until the next post!

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