Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Berg

Monday Morning...

We had a great morning spending time together. Ran some errands around town and then headed to Newberg (The Berg) to visit some friends! 

Spent some time with MJ and BB (what is it with initial names...)
We sat around the kitchen table and caught up with MJ. Heard about the happenings in her life and what she's been up to; it was wonderful to sit with her, talk with her, and joke with her. There is nothing like MJ's humor... 

{MJ, BB & LL? Yeah it doesn't work...}

It was just awesome to spend time with MJ. We have really missed her... She is headed up tonight as well to hang out AGAIN, holler.


We came back to Portland when MJ headed off to Young Life club around 7. We met up with Greg and Micah to go to this awesome restaurant for happy hour. It was a really fun restaurant that had great food. We had a fun time just talking and spending time together.

Gal we love them.

We didn't get that many photos...but here are a few gems.

{Didn't even plan that}

{Gotta love her}

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