Tuesday, September 13, 2011

From Sunsets to Jackson

So we stayed in Redmond longer than anticipated.... and we weren't mad about it. The Welborns are just too great.

{Sunset in Nampa}
We stayed in Redmond Saturday evening and left Sunday late morning. Before making it to Boise, we stopped in Nampa to visit Zane at Northwest Nazarene University. He just started college there and we wanted to visit and take him out to dinner! David walked with and led Zane through high school as a part of Young Life, they've known each other for a long time. It was great to see Zane, he is getting so big...literally. 

{Zane & David}

We made it to Boise that evening and found a killer deal at the Double Tree Hotel. We stayed in a big room with a king size bed- our sleep was solid. The Lord really blessed our time at the hotel; allowing us to take a break, be together, and make sure we were both on the same page. We left the hotel and made quite a few stops before heading to Jackson: Barnes and Noble, Cabela's, Borders, gas station, Albertson's to get dry ice, etc. Needless to say, in true Reece fashion it took a while to get out of town. P.S. As you may know, Borders is pretty much officially out of business, although their mega sale is still going on. However, unless you're into romance novels and the "Mysterious Warrior", we wouldn't suggest stopping by... But before we left we went to CHICK-FIL-A! YOU'RE WELCOME! BE JEALOUS! .... okay sorry, but it was amazing. To y'all in the south, we are so envious. 

The Lord blessed us with an incredibly beautiful drive. Take a gander.

{we love clouds}

We drove all afternoon and made it to Jackson last night around 9pm. The temperature was a crisp and cool 48 degrees and we were loving it. It had been raining all day as well, so there was a familiar feel to the air. We set up camp at Jackson Hole Campground, and it was awesome. Made tomato soup and grilled cheese for dinner, David made a fire and it was fantastic. We slept great in our cozy tent and woke to a marvelously loud bird. We weren't mad because it was kind of an epic looking bird. 

Hope y'all are well and your days are going great. We are having such a great time! Talk to you soon!

Oh and by the way.... this is how we eat :)


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