Saturday, September 17, 2011

Katee Lou

Yup, we left Jackson. Left our wonderful little cabin at....

We drove to Bozeman, Montana to visit Katee Lou! Katee is David's cousin from Tennessee who is living it up in Montana. She has been here for about a year and we are the first family to visit her! 

{Grand Tetons- holler}


The pictures are parts of Idaho and Montana. Yet again, it was a beautiful and blessed drive. Uh thank you Jesus.


                            {Glorious Grand Tetons}


{It's just beautiful country}


We finally made it to Katee about an hour earlier than expected! Thank you Lord. It was such a delight to see her face and hear her laugh. We helped her take the dogs she is sitting for a walk.

{David and Cousin Katee}

{Walking the dogs Otter and Samson}
{Got to see a bit of downtown Bozeman}
Then we headed to Bridger Bowl, where Katee works in the winter. We took one of the dogs and she basically had the time of her life.

{Cousin Katee & Leann & Red Chair Lift in the background}

{All of Us}

{Otter had the time of her life}

{Us and the cool Red Chair Lift}
{Us on the cool Red Chair Lift}

{Guess who is Skiing and who is Boarding...}
{Laughing Cousins}
{Awesome Jump & Pencil Jump}

On our way to dinner, we saw this "Ellen" theater. And in honor of David's love for Ellen Degeneres, we took his photo pencil jumping in front of it. Because why wouldn't you pencil jump in front of an "Ellen" sign? Exactly.


We headed to Bob's Burger in downtown Bozeman and it was delicious. Sorry, Uncle Ken, we forgot to take a picture of our food. But it definitely hit the spot. Thank you BBQ-bacon-cheese burgers... that may or may not hurt tomorrow.

The coloring is a little odd because all along the walls of the restaurant is a border of red lighting... Makes you crave ketchup? Coke? Goodness we don't know, but it was great food and we were stuffed. We headed back to Katee's and David shared his landscape projects and we chatted over YouTube videos and figured out where we are going to church tomorrow. Thank you Jesus that we are finally getting to go to church. We can't even remember how long it has been... we are excited.


Tomorrow we are headed to do the most awesome, wicked, sick-nasty-sweet thing we'll do on this trip [we think]. And you will just have to come back to find out what that is....


Hope y'all are well! We are loving visiting Katee and are so blessed that she has shared her home and bed with us. CAN'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW.