Tuesday, September 27, 2011

{Welcome to Portland}


We are finally back in Portland, Oregon! We made it back early Sunday morning (as you read previously). We stayed the night at my parents house, which was great. Slept really well and woke up ready to run some errands and clean out the Subskee. Because Lord knows he was dirty. Leann worked on unloading everything from the car while David worked on painting the wheels. We enjoy painting our wheels black.... did it with the last Subaru as well. Guess we just think it looks pretty sweet. So David worked on the wheels and Leann worked on the inside of the car. After a few hours (literally) the Subskee is CLEAN and without our entire-life-packed-into-every-nook-and-cranny of the car. Hallelujah.

 BTW: Nelson Subskee is the greatest.


We headed to Portland to meet up with Dina and Gordy Welborn- the wonderful family members who are allowing us to sleep/eat/bathe/hang out/etc. in their condo! It is the greatest blessing. They gave us a [quick] tour of the condo and made us feel so welcome and excited. It was great to see them again and chat for a minute, and amazing to be able to stay in such a beautiful place. We moved our stuff in Sunday evening and it feels like home. 

It's amazing to feel like we have a home.

It's been a little difficult living out of our car and living from house-to-house (with our gracious friends and family members). We moved out of our apartment August 5th, so we haven't lived in our space with our things for almost 2 months. Kinda tricky. So being able to live here is an incredible blessing.


After we moved some things into the apartment (and I mean our clothes are in the closet, our food is in the cupboard, our stuff is organized in the bathroom- it is amazing)... we met up with Greg and Micah later that evening. They invited us over for dinner at their new place and it was great. Their place is old like our first apartment and has so much character, wonderful smells, and class. We can't wait to see what they end up doing with it! There are many boxes all over, but they had a beautiful new table set-up and we had a wonderful dinner. Hung out with them in the kitchen while Micah and Greg made waffles, turkey bacon and orange juli'i (plural of Julius?)- anyway- mmmm, yum. It was a joy to hear about their honeymoon and tell them a bit of our travels. It is just fun seeing Greg married :)

{Mr. & Mrs. Hoiland}

{Couples that scoop waffles together, stay together}

{Beautiful Table}

Dinner was great; afterward they asked to see some of the pictures from the road trip. We played a slideshow of almost every picture we took... and found out just HOW MANY VIDEOS Leann took on the trip. You're welcome? Most of you won't see them all, hah, but Micah and Greg did! We had a great time on the trip and had fun capturing it all as well. Then Micah and Greg shared with us photos and video from their honeymoon. Their place seemed so cool and relaxing. It seems like they had an amazing time together and praise the Lord for that!


Here are some photos of the condo!

We are having a great time! Visiting many friends and family in our last week before we leave. Until the next post... 

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