Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Long Time Coming

Hello Everyone.

For some reason we're having a harder time keeping up on this thing than we thought we would.  Last time we wrote, we had been here for about a month and were still trying to settle in.  We are now officially settled in and feel like we've made a home in this place.

We've done everything you could imagine needs to be done at a camp of this size.  We spent about three weeks deep cleaning the space where 700+ campers will stay in the summer. What a project.  We even shampooed every carpet in the campers' dorms. We're learning a lot, some things useful, some things maybe not so useful.  Either way, it's been entertaining and fun, although boring and monotonous at times.

Up until this last weekend, we hadn't had a group of campers come for nearly 7 weeks, which is quite unheard of. This past weekend was a reunion for everyone who worked at camp during the past year.  There were a lot of familiar faces to see and a lot of activities to attend to. We both helped lead worship through the weekend; Leann sang and David played the upright bass, it was awesome. We had a great time with the busyness, but it was also extremely tiring.  Probably wouldn't have been so tiring if we hadn't had such a long break in camps.

We also celebrated Thanksgiving at our humble abode this year.  The Hoiland clan and Grandpa Jim came out to be with us here and one of the other interns that stayed for the break was here and ate with us as well.  It was A LOT of fun.

{Our beautiful Thanksgiving table}
 Although we don't live in our studio anymore, we are still eating in the living room....

{Greg, Micah, Ken, Paula and Leann at the ropes course}

{Our first turkey. Thank you Paula for teaching us what to do!!!}

{We took a tour through camp, it was a lot of fun, especially for those in the far back of the Sequoia}

{Ken, Becca and Paula on the Screamer}

{Grandpa and Becca making green bean casserole}

{We also got a Christmas tree. Leann handmade most of the ornaments, she's just so creative}

So that's most of the good news or at least an update on what's been going on camp-wise.  On the home front, we found out that a couple of weeks ago that I (David) did in fact tear my ACL while we were dancing at Greg and Micah's wedding.  SOOOOO.... Yesterday I had surgery on my right knee to replace my 80% torn ACL with a healthy, strong ACL from a kadaver.  So here I sit, knee elevated, ice machine running full-bore, watching movie after movie. Luckily for me, Leann is amazing at taking care of me, and as hard as it is to let her be so helpful, I'm learning to do so.  So just another 12 days of laying down, and then I'll be able to resume some normal function in my life.  Praise the Lord we have amazing health insurance through Young Life! Holler.

{What the next two weeks will probably consist of...} 
The Christmas season is upon us and for the past few weeks we've had many get-togethers with the community at the Ranch, from an auction, to a Christmas party, to two different children's Christmas programs, to carolers at lunch the other day. It's definitely a different feel from "civilization" during this season.

{Our intern group}

We will be at the Canyon until the 23rd when we make our trip to the valley to have a short Christmas celebration there with family and friends.  We would have loved to have gone down to Klamath Falls to see the Crawfords, but with my knee, traveling a total of 14 hours in one weekend fresh out of surgery would be pretty difficult not to mention simply painful.

Anyway, we hope everyone is doing well.  Merry Christmas family and friends, we love you all.

The Reeces