Sunday, November 13, 2011

A New Home, New Jobs and Some New Faces

Sorry for neglecting our blog for the past six weeks.  I know y'all probably haven't missed it terribly, but we also haven't had a chance to talk to many of you in a while, so there is some necessary updating that needs to happen either way.

{View of Canyon at Washington Family Ranch from the dual zip-line}

Last you heard from us we were still in Portland, saying good-bye to some friends and getting everything packed up for our move to Antelope, OR.  We fit as much as we could in the truck and Subaru and headed to Corvallis to help load our freezer-o-beef onto Andrew's trailer.

We hopped in our vehicles on Wednesday October 5th and began the treck to Central Oregon.  With walkie-talkies in hand and all of our earthly belongings, we made the 4 hour trip through the mountains and arrived at Young Life's Washington Family Ranch.

The last five weeks have been full, to say the least.  We have received training in so many areas that for the first week or two, we felt like our brains were going to explode for all the information we had soaked up.  We have been trained in housekeeping, landscaping, ropes course elements, the rock wall, go-carts and more I'm sure.  We have learned how to properly do more things than we ever thought possible.  David even learned how to refinish a gymnasium floor... who would have thought.

{Adventure Experience training on the High Ropes Course}
{Lucas, Ben & Andrew}

{David, Jason, Lucas & Elizabeth after refinishing the gymnasium floor}

{Breanna, Jayme & Elizabeth cleaning paint brushes}
{Leann & Jack painting the camper quads at Canyon}

We are two of twelve year-round interns this year and are enjoying getting to know everyone.  As with any group of twelve [seemingly] random people, we are learning to love each other for our differences and grow through working and living side by side everyday.  It has been a blast and we have really settled into life at the Canyon.

{Leann & Molly during AE training at the Screamer}

{Jack, David & Ben}

{Leann & Elizabeth}

{Leann, Andrew, Jack & Molly}

{The group (minus Jack) from left: Lucas, Jason, Breanna, Molly, Jayme, Leann, David, Andrew, Ben, Bre, Elizabeth}

It is nice to finally have a home again, and to have a place to store our schtuff.  All of the condos that are at the Canyon are 7 bedrooms and 3 bath, so we have a lot more space than we used to.  Having counter space is phenomenal. OH! And a dishwasher... what a luxury. It's the little things really.

{Our old kitchen}
{Our new kitchen!}

{Our living room! Look at all the space}

{Our upstairs living room! What?!}
{Stairs? Wow.}

{A bedroom! Yayer}

We will keep updating our blog with more frequent posts, but for now you have officially been updated.